Twentysomethings are different today than they were generations ago, but you already knew that. Even so, they are not as bad as people think. A doomed generation? Or just trying to get by in a world gone mad? Trying to understand your life or a twentysomething in it? You should definitely read this book. FRAMES has a great way of bringing you information compacted in a small easy to read book. Did you know that only 30 % of Millenials (aka twentysomethings) believe that churches have their best interests at heart? They believe Universities do more (32%). 25% of Millenials decline to affliate with any organized religion.
The top 5 things Millenials want to do before they turn 30:
become financially independant:59%
finish my education:52%
start a carrer:51%
find out who I really am:40%
follow my dreams:31%
In 2012, about 36% of adults ages 18 to 31 were living in their parents home. The highest number in this age group in 4 decades.
This is just some of the information in this book.
The realization that i'm in my mid-twenties just really hit me about a month ago. Rapidly approaching 24 & not really where I want to be in life, I wanted to know if I was the only one. Reading this book gave me some piece of mind. It felt nice to know that I'm not alone in some of my thoughts. I would definitely recommend this book to any Millenial or anyone just wanting to get into the mind of our generation.
*I recieved this book for free from Book Look Bloggers in exchange for my review & opinons.*